Next New

It's hard to think of a new media that isn't already out there, in a world that is constantly reinventing. My idea would be to create personalized keyboards with actually emoji keys. Just as you have all the letters, numbers, symbols, etc., my keyboard would have a certain number of emojis (choose the ones you use the most or like the best), and put them on there as well. Instead of having to look through a list of emojis, you can just click on the "😊". 

Side note: I just had to go search for the smiley face emoji on my laptop because it isn't available through here, and that was pretty annoying. 


  1. I love the idea because I love emojis. :) That would be nice emojis on laptop keyboard.

  2. This is a good idea because you can convey emotion better with a simple image rather than just a word.


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