Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

A virtual world is an online computer-based environment meant for users to interact in a three-dimensional world. According to Forbes, children are the most avid users of these 3-D worlds, using their accounts for social connection, entertainment, and learning. These virtual worlds ignite a world of creativity — Jacki Forbes, a virtual world designer, explains to Forbe. "I create a lot of artsome computer assemblage, some physical art. I also do creative writing and am working on a book that looks at the uses of virtual worlds for NASA's long duration flight missions," she states.

However, virtual worlds does not indicate a perfect world. According to Health magazine online, research suggest that how you represent yourself in the virtual world may affect your behavior with people in the real world. Users become extremely "keyed" into the game and that leads to powerful imitative effects in those that wear virtual masks.

Overall, I was never interested nor amused by virtual worlds and gaming of any sort. I do see it becoming super advanced in the near future. I could imagine that 3-D figures are going to be popping out of screens with the use of special glasses  unless that doesn't already exist. However, I find it very important to not become fixated on virtual worlds because at the end of the day, it is not reality. People shouldn't let it consume them as to where they have behavioral issues.



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