Social Networking Sites

The purpose of social networking sites is to bring people together from all parts of globe, in a kind of interaction and communication forum. Social media is ever-changing; updates with new formats, new add-ons and bug fixes, cool new filters. However, which social media format do I prefer? I visited Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to compare. Facebook allows you to share photos, updates, and general news to your followers or those who "like" you. On Twitter, you can write a tweet comprised of 140 characters, and those tweets can be retweeted and favorited. Instagram is only for sharing photos and captions, depending on if your profile is private or public, people can "like" those photos. Although, recently Instagram has been expanding to use live videos, and posting short 10 second videos that get deleted after 24 hours. LinkedIn, I consider, to run a bit different from the before mentioned. It is specifically designed for professionals and businesses to showcase work experience, general information about yourself in the professional world, and network. 

Personally, I am a fan of Instagram, but I do avidly use other social media apps to connect to others and for personal use. However, I think LinkedIn has the most important use for us college students, who are looking to branch out in the professional world. Overall, the great thing about all these social media outlets is that they can be used by businesses. All offer cool features and even ways to advertise and/or create strictly business pages to market to the world. 



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